
Arnold schwarzenegger fuck your freedom
Arnold schwarzenegger fuck your freedom

This isn't the first time Schwarzenegger has been outspoken about COVID-19. The people out there, the experts, they study this year after year.” “There’s no one that knows more about a bicep than I do because I studied this issue for 50 years and the same is also with the virus. He urged those who "don't believe in masks" or "say we don't have to do social distancing" to listen to experts and follow their health guidelines, such as washing your hands, social distancing when necessary and getting vaccinated. Should celebrities wear masks in public?: 'They can influence us' And you can infect someone that then gets sick and may die." You cannot go and not put the mask on because when you breathe, you can infect someone else. You cannot just say, 'I have the right to do XYZ' when you affect other people.

arnold schwarzenegger fuck your freedom arnold schwarzenegger fuck your freedom arnold schwarzenegger fuck your freedom

“You cannot say, ‘No one is going tell me that I’m going to stop here at this traffic light here, I’m going to go right through it.’ Yeah, then you kill someone else and then it is your doing.”Īccording to him, freedom comes with "obligations and responsibilities. “We put the traffic light at the intersection so someone doesn’t kill someone else by accident,” Schwarzenegger said. Schwarzenegger then compared the opposition to face masks to traffic laws, arguing that neither are infringements on our rights. 'A failed leader': Arnold Schwarzenegger blasts Trump as 'worst president ever' in powerful video rebuke

Arnold schwarzenegger fuck your freedom